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Old 09 Nov 2011, 08:31   #1
Dream Master
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7 Chat Transcript with Marian Gold 08 Nov 2011

(11/08/2011 19:55:39, room alphaville) Marian: Hello everybody
(11/08/2011 19:55:40, room alphaville) NInoska (to Guest745): hahaha a ver si me entiende,que yo hablo como tarzán
(11/08/2011 19:55:42, room alphaville) altairwwws: horosho
(11/08/2011 19:55:44, room alphaville) FelipeBR: Hello, Marian.. !!!
(11/08/2011 19:55:45, room alphaville) Alien: and here he is!
(11/08/2011 19:55:45, room alphaville) ironjohn: Hi!!!!
(11/08/2011 19:55:46, room alphaville) mirela: wawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(11/08/2011 19:55:51, room alphaville) Richani: Hi Marian !
(11/08/2011 19:55:53, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Welcome Marian !
(11/08/2011 19:55:54, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Karen): good luck with that work
(11/08/2011 19:55:55, room alphaville) NInoska: HI
(11/08/2011 19:55:55, room alphaville) wii (to Marian): welcome
(11/08/2011 19:55:57, room alphaville) FelipeBR: Mariaaan.. !!
(11/08/2011 19:55:58, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Marian):
(11/08/2011 19:56:06, room alphaville) ironjohn: right on tima, Marian!!
(11/08/2011 19:56:08, room alphaville) Marialpha: Hellloooooo !!!
(11/08/2011 19:56:08, room alphaville) Marinka (to Marian):
(11/08/2011 19:56:09, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): good evening!
(11/08/2011 19:56:10, room alphaville) NInoska: Hola Marian desde España!
(11/08/2011 19:56:14, room alphaville) Apollo: Bonsoir M. Gold
(11/08/2011 19:56:15, room alphaville) Marian: good to be together with you all again
(11/08/2011 19:56:20, room alphaville) letty: Hi Marian how are you?
(11/08/2011 19:56:20, room alphaville) Karen (to MalilaM): thanks - will let you know
(11/08/2011 19:56:22, room alphaville) mirela: greetings from ROMANIA !!!!
(11/08/2011 19:56:23, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): Welcome!
(11/08/2011 19:56:24, room alphaville) altairwwws: Hello, Marian.. !!!
(11/08/2011 19:56:24, room alphaville) Clare (to Marian):
(11/08/2011 19:56:25, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): helllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o greetings from Romania
(11/08/2011 19:56:26, room alphaville) NInoska: Hola desde ESPAÑA!
(11/08/2011 19:56:28, room alphaville) Marialpha: A big hug for you from Venezuela!!! we love youuuuu!
(11/08/2011 19:56:35, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): hey Marian! thanks for joining us
(11/08/2011 19:56:36, room alphaville) apolla: Oksana, ty na kakoy vokzla priezgaesh'?
(11/08/2011 19:56:37, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): Hi Marian!!!
(11/08/2011 19:56:38, room alphaville) Marian: too bad but claudia can't join us tonight
(11/08/2011 19:56:44, room alphaville) Richani: Holland says HELLO
(11/08/2011 19:56:53, room alphaville) Blue:
(11/08/2011 19:56:57, room alphaville) Patten: Heloo Marian
(11/08/2011 19:56:58, room alphaville) Marian: hey hey hey
(11/08/2011 19:57:03, room alphaville) apolla: URA!!!
(11/08/2011 19:57:04, room alphaville) NInoska: how are you?
(11/08/2011 19:57:06, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Thanks for the Halloween suprise Marian!!
(11/08/2011 19:57:09, room alphaville) wii (to Marian): no problem, we will take care of you....
(11/08/2011 19:57:18, room alphaville) apolla: Hello, Marian!
(11/08/2011 19:57:20, room alphaville) Alien (to Marian): Russia says HELLO too and waits for Friday
(11/08/2011 19:57:26, room alphaville) Karen: shame Claudia can't be here
(11/08/2011 19:57:31, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: Hi, Marian
(11/08/2011 19:57:37, room alphaville) Sabrina: Hi Marian !
(11/08/2011 19:57:46, room alphaville) Marian: there will be another surprise by the end of the year, I hope
(11/08/2011 19:57:53, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: what?
(11/08/2011 19:57:58, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Yeah great
(11/08/2011 19:58:06, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): How are you? Are you ready to go to Russia?
(11/08/2011 19:58:07, room alphaville) ironjohn: Yeah, I almost forgot - 11.11.2011 - great gig will be, isn't it?
(11/08/2011 19:58:07, room alphaville) wii (to Marian): 2011?
(11/08/2011 19:58:07, room alphaville) mirela: TELL US.....
(11/08/2011 19:58:14, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): tell us please
(11/08/2011 19:58:22, room alphaville) FelipeBR: the suprise is here, vivi >>
(11/08/2011 19:58:30, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Bonsoir Marian
(11/08/2011 19:58:35, room alphaville) Marian: we are working on a new version of the christmas song currently, you know, LWFAW
(11/08/2011 19:58:37, room alphaville) Karen (to alphaandre): hi André
(11/08/2011 19:58:39, room alphaville) Marialpha: (to Marian) a little clue please?
(11/08/2011 19:58:40, room alphaville) omegalfa: Hello Marian! Hope you enjoyed the "Le Divan du Monde" virtual photo I sent to you.
(11/08/2011 19:58:46, room alphaville) NInoska: Ohh
(11/08/2011 19:58:50, room alphaville) Richani: very cool
(11/08/2011 19:58:50, room alphaville) alphaandre: Hi @ all
(11/08/2011 19:58:53, room alphaville) Marian: well, parallel to the new album production
(11/08/2011 19:59:06, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): very nice
(11/08/2011 19:59:11, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: another? wow, cool!!
(11/08/2011 19:59:17, room alphaville) Marian: omega, yeah thanx i liked it
(11/08/2011 19:59:26, room alphaville) mirela: great surprise ...
(11/08/2011 19:59:38, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): Marian tell me please Around the Universe will shurely be on the album ?
(11/08/2011 19:59:40, room alphaville) Marian: it will be a duet
(11/08/2011 19:59:42, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): In what direction will the new album "Strange Attractor" go to?
(11/08/2011 19:59:43, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Demo 42 ?
(11/08/2011 19:59:56, room alphaville) FelipeBR: Sweet Dreams in the next album ??
(11/08/2011 19:59:57, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): oh yeah??
(11/08/2011 19:59:58, room alphaville) letty: Great - I love that song - it is part of our Christmas every year just like Slade!
(11/08/2011 20:00:00, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: with whom? can you tell us?
(11/08/2011 20:00:03, room alphaville) Marian: andrei, i can't tell yet. There are so many new songs
(11/08/2011 20:00:04, room alphaville) Bernie (to Marian): greetings from Christina Carvalho, she can´t be here today
(11/08/2011 20:00:09, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): my father,brother and I are here.They say to you "HOLA"
(11/08/2011 20:00:29, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: with whom the duet, Marian? can you tell us?
(11/08/2011 20:00:34, room alphaville) Marian: lots of sweet dreams on the next album
(11/08/2011 20:00:38, room alphaville) Patten (to Marian): Are there going to be any singelrelease from the album?
(11/08/2011 20:00:47, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): ok i see anyway i am crazy for that song
(11/08/2011 20:00:48, room alphaville) Richani: am thinking of an original question
(11/08/2011 20:00:50, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Will the songs that Johan "Strauss" F have been working with be on the new album?
(11/08/2011 20:01:01, room alphaville) wii (to Marian): and lots of synths
(11/08/2011 20:01:02, room alphaville) Marian: i will tell you soon but not tonight. Surprise surprise:-)
(11/08/2011 20:01:07, room alphaville) Bernie (to Marian): is there any chance u would do a possible US-Tour as support before the Scorpions play?
(11/08/2011 20:01:08, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): think I've said enough lately whistles
(11/08/2011 20:01:20, room alphaville) FelipeBR: Marian, there will be any promotion in the USA next year? Any tour or CD release planned ?
(11/08/2011 20:01:31, room alphaville) Bernie (to FelipeBR):
(11/08/2011 20:01:35, room alphaville) Richani: You mean the word 'Paris'? ^^
(11/08/2011 20:01:38, room alphaville) Marian: bernie, I thought the Scorpions disbanded???
(11/08/2011 20:01:45, room alphaville) Clare (to Karen): No you haven't Karen. We need inspiration.
(11/08/2011 20:01:53, room alphaville) omegalfa (to Marian): , This time the new album will be sold out of Germany?
(11/08/2011 20:02:04, room alphaville) Bernie (to Marian): not ywet they still tour since 2013 and they retire then
(11/08/2011 20:02:10, room alphaville) NInoska (to Guest745): blue estas ahi?
(11/08/2011 20:02:13, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): will the new album tend more to synthpop or what other style?
(11/08/2011 20:02:20, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Marinka): ti ko skolkim sobiraeshsya k klubu pod'ehat'?
(11/08/2011 20:02:34, room alphaville) Marian: Felipe, as I already said in the mailing list, if there is a way for us financially to do this we will go for it
(11/08/2011 20:02:37, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): or maybe a more experimental album?
(11/08/2011 20:02:37, room alphaville) Sabrina: Marian, are you able to tell us more details about the release date of Strange Attractor ??
(11/08/2011 20:02:40, room alphaville) Marialpha: creo que blu se desmayo!!
(11/08/2011 20:02:48, room alphaville) ironjohn: I hope that Scorpions will reunite only for supportting Alphaville in USA
(11/08/2011 20:02:53, room alphaville) Karen: experimental I can go with
(11/08/2011 20:03:13, room alphaville) Krapplund: open a beer
(11/08/2011 20:03:13, room alphaville) Clare: Experimental sounds cool.
(11/08/2011 20:03:16, room alphaville) Bernie (to ironjohn): they are not splited and still on tour worldwide
(11/08/2011 20:03:20, room alphaville) Bernie: hi Nicola
(11/08/2011 20:03:22, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): hey Keith!
(11/08/2011 20:03:23, room alphaville) Marian: vivi, I hate the word "synthpop" its a monster of a word, isn't it.
(11/08/2011 20:03:24, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): salles à Paris searchs ->
(11/08/2011 20:03:34, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Marinka): ya v facebook potom napishu
(11/08/2011 20:03:37, room alphaville) Clare (to KaM):
(11/08/2011 20:03:41, room alphaville) steffi10: Hello
(11/08/2011 20:03:50, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): I dont know, I like the word Marian, why don't you like it?
(11/08/2011 20:03:51, room alphaville) Karen (to avnic): ni Nicola!
(11/08/2011 20:03:52, room alphaville) alphaandre: Hey Marian, hope you are fine ok and here a question: when will your website become an update...?? the discography, the biography and hopefully the "Klangwelt"...there so many things..and possibilitys you can do you this website...
(11/08/2011 20:03:53, room alphaville) Bernie: AVNic
(11/08/2011 20:04:12, room alphaville) Marian: Halfnelson, thanx. Will be a dream come true to go to Paris and see you all
(11/08/2011 20:04:17, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): And then what style do you plan the new CD will be? (And thanks for the answer!)
(11/08/2011 20:04:19, room alphaville) Marialpha: (To Marian) Have you consider to come to Venezuela?
(11/08/2011 20:04:22, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marialpha): hehehehe
(11/08/2011 20:04:29, room alphaville) altairwwws: ya ne uspevauy chitat'
(11/08/2011 20:04:37, room alphaville) Alien (to altairwwws, Marinka): sozdaite v facebooke odin obshiy tred soobsheniy dlya vsex nas, chtoby po-normalnomu obsudit
(11/08/2011 20:04:51, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to altairwwws): i pisat'
(11/08/2011 20:04:52, room alphaville) Richani: Paris HAS to be it beautifull beautifull place..
(11/08/2011 20:04:53, room alphaville) KaM (to Clare, Karen):
(11/08/2011 20:04:54, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): Marian, will you join to facebook some day? Would you create a personal profile there? You know, facebook is becoming the center on the Internet.
(11/08/2011 20:04:57, room alphaville) Marialpha: probar no cuesta nada!
(11/08/2011 20:04:58, room alphaville) Marian: andre, there will be updates , can't tell when. There are so many construction places for us at the mo.
(11/08/2011 20:04:59, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): Where are you going to come back to Spain?;)
(11/08/2011 20:05:00, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): I hope you will come back to Romania next year it was so grat to have you here
(11/08/2011 20:05:12, room alphaville) avnic: Hi
(11/08/2011 20:05:17, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : Ich liebe dich
(11/08/2011 20:05:18, room alphaville) Marinka (to Alien, altairwwws): Po rukam.
(11/08/2011 20:05:43, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): How is your children, Marian, and your dog?
(11/08/2011 20:05:44, room alphaville) Karen: oh, don't start with the French already! I need practice!
(11/08/2011 20:05:53, room alphaville) mirela (to Marian): I hope so too, we are expecting you in Romania
(11/08/2011 20:05:57, room alphaville) Marian: Ninoska, I hope next year. We are negotiating with a spanish promoter currently
(11/08/2011 20:06:08, room alphaville) NInoska: OHHHHH really?
(11/08/2011 20:06:10, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): aaaaaawww Ich liebe dich auch!
(11/08/2011 20:06:15, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Alien): ja toje zaregistriruius'!
(11/08/2011 20:06:17, room alphaville) Sabrina: Any news of the release date of Strange Attractor, Marian ?
(11/08/2011 20:06:17, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): You're very welcome, J'aime te croiser à Paris tous les 15 ans
(11/08/2011 20:06:29, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): So the next album will be launched in august 2012 ?
(11/08/2011 20:06:31, room alphaville) NInoska: Yes please.I'm sure I'm going to go
(11/08/2011 20:06:50, room alphaville) Apollo: Quite a few Paris Fans here it seems
(11/08/2011 20:06:51, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): Marian, where the most fascinating and unforgettable place(country) you have played so far?
(11/08/2011 20:06:54, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): Come to Estonia, too
(11/08/2011 20:06:56, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Holland is also waiting with a beer in the hand to welcome you guys back here
(11/08/2011 20:06:57, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): see, we can share love messages and no one notice
(11/08/2011 20:06:59, room alphaville) Marialpha: (To Marian) Marian please come to Venezuela !!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:07:09, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Marian, you won't have problem in Paris, you speak French!!! Btw I loved your story about when you were poor and came to Berlin! You are so humble! Congratulations!
(11/08/2011 20:07:16, room alphaville) Karen (to jetset):
(11/08/2011 20:07:19, room alphaville) Alien (to Oksana.K): pravil'no.
(11/08/2011 20:07:24, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): so long as we notice
(11/08/2011 20:07:32, room alphaville) Apollo (to jetset, Clare): No, noone ...
(11/08/2011 20:07:38, room alphaville) Patten (to Marian): There arer alot of
(11/08/2011 20:07:41, room alphaville) Guest745 (to Marian): Bilbao is a good place to play music
(11/08/2011 20:07:42, room alphaville) Karen (to Clare, jetset): care to share?
(11/08/2011 20:07:45, room alphaville) Marian: Sabrina, it is going very well with the album. There will be lots of very personal songs on it. Martin is a genius. Great music. I am really excited about the whole thing. It feels a bit like long ago
(11/08/2011 20:07:45, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): Ohh you make my day.It's a beautiful city.You should come :)Hope that all come true!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:07:45, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): And I and Felipe did our best to try to bring you to Brazil, let's see what happens!
(11/08/2011 20:07:52, room alphaville) jetset: even Marian does not notice
(11/08/2011 20:08:04, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): What do you think about that the fans making the "We Heard The Call vol 2"?
(11/08/2011 20:08:22, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): I think some people noticed.
(11/08/2011 20:08:35, room alphaville) Sabrina: Please tell us something about the development of LMFP, I mean the lyrics. Are they based on your own experience in life ;-), on a movie or on a nightmare ??!
(11/08/2011 20:08:36, room alphaville) Clare: I can't wait to hear We Heard the Call 2
(11/08/2011 20:08:41, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): on Friday, it will be your concert in Moscow, Why did you choose for a concert this Club if it is no secret?
(11/08/2011 20:08:41, room alphaville) Blue (to Marian): thank you for little moon
(11/08/2011 20:08:45, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Cool it feels like long ago and that you are happy and feeling like before and that maybe the songs could sound a little bit as they sounded before, although we love all the styles you sing!!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:08:49, room alphaville) Marian: Krapplund, I love the whole idea. I think its a really great project.
(11/08/2011 20:09:06, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Is Rainer still around for the new album or it's just Martin like CROG ?
(11/08/2011 20:09:08, room alphaville) Alien (to jetset, Clare): Some people might have noticed but politely pretended not to have noticed
(11/08/2011 20:09:20, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): thanks
(11/08/2011 20:09:20, room alphaville) MalilaM: LMFP sounds a little like The Opium Den Part II ... it's nice though
(11/08/2011 20:09:23, room alphaville) FelipeBR: I'll try to make a cover of SLAM for "we heard de call", i love that song so much, LOL
(11/08/2011 20:09:25, room alphaville) Marian: Sorry vivi, but the music always changes, isn't it.
(11/08/2011 20:09:28, room alphaville) KaM: I've done a cover of Rik Astley...
(11/08/2011 20:09:39, room alphaville) Karen (to MalilaM): yeah, I thought that too
(11/08/2011 20:09:49, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): are you kidding?
(11/08/2011 20:09:51, room alphaville) Alien (to MalilaM): RIGHT!!! I couldn't make out what it reminded me of!!!
(11/08/2011 20:10:08, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): yes, it changes, it is cool when it is a mix of all your experiences put together in one CD!!!
(11/08/2011 20:10:11, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): do you like to play a live?
(11/08/2011 20:10:27, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): I'm afraid not.
(11/08/2011 20:10:35, room alphaville) NInoska (to Blue): eres blue?hehe
(11/08/2011 20:10:44, room alphaville) Marian: Halfnelson, also Rainer is involved. But at the mo songwriting is centered on Martin and me. We also hope to write some songs together with the whole band when we rehearse the new material.
(11/08/2011 20:10:45, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Alien): pochemu ne otvechaet na moi voprosy?
(11/08/2011 20:10:52, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): are you planning to Rick Roll Moonbase with it then?
(11/08/2011 20:10:54, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Ever thought of singing a duet with Ane Brun? She did a great cover of BIJ
(11/08/2011 20:11:08, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): What song would surprise you most of it came on the We Heard The Call vol 2?
(11/08/2011 20:11:25, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): so I will ask different: how would you call your style today? a) Marian's own style? b) A mix of all you already did? Or???
(11/08/2011 20:11:27, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : yes, some people read between the lines indeed. It still rains here, but forecasts are good for tomorrow
(11/08/2011 20:11:32, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Krapplund): Universal Daddy, LOL
(11/08/2011 20:11:33, room alphaville) Apollo: Or, get Ane Brun to join for the 30th concert
(11/08/2011 20:11:41, room alphaville) wii (to Krapplund): Montego Bay
(11/08/2011 20:11:42, room alphaville) Guest745 (to NInoska): Estoy de invitada; no he podido acceder como usuario, pero estoy siguiendo todo con mucho interés
(11/08/2011 20:11:48, room alphaville) Karen: I don't think Alphaville has a "style"
(11/08/2011 20:11:51, room alphaville) Marian: The duet I was talking of is actually with an artist from Berlin.
(11/08/2011 20:11:58, room alphaville) tjommen: hello marian when can we listen to Life on mars with alphaville
(11/08/2011 20:12:06, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): woman or man? hahahah
(11/08/2011 20:12:10, room alphaville) Karen (to wii): yeah!!
(11/08/2011 20:12:16, room alphaville) Clare: Alphaville always manage to surprise. I think they're unique in that
(11/08/2011 20:12:24, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): I could, but I know we're quite harsh critics. I can send you a link, maybe.
(11/08/2011 20:12:25, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Thanks. I have to admit I prefer (so far) the writing of RB but I like LMFP very much. Am I right to see a lot of 37 in 21666B ? btw do you like numbers ?
(11/08/2011 20:12:27, room alphaville) NInoska (to Guest745): le pregunte si vendría a españa y dijo que lo estaba negociando para el año que viene.Quiero llorar
(11/08/2011 20:12:28, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, Alphaville has a style for sure. Nobody else does music like us.
(11/08/2011 20:12:31, room alphaville) Marian: Proof
(11/08/2011 20:12:33, room alphaville) Alien (to wii): Montego Bay would be really cool as a cover by some fan
(11/08/2011 20:12:38, room alphaville) ironjohn: Camouflage-band from Berlin?
(11/08/2011 20:12:44, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): not a pigeonhole style though
(11/08/2011 20:12:50, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): I totally agree. You have your style.
(11/08/2011 20:12:51, room alphaville) MalilaM: New Dreamscapes release has been mentioned in the German mailing list... any plans on dates for release yet?
(11/08/2011 20:12:51, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): I agree I could call your style personal AV style,
(11/08/2011 20:13:02, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Alien): I don't like you! :-p
(11/08/2011 20:13:12, room alphaville) Richani: Montego Bay is the only song I can sing without failing big time
(11/08/2011 20:13:13, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): did you taught about launching another live album ?
(11/08/2011 20:13:13, room alphaville) Marian: Halfnelson, only certain numbers
(11/08/2011 20:13:20, room alphaville) Clare (to Alien): I agree.
(11/08/2011 20:13:23, room alphaville) Sabrina: Tell us more about the idea of the lyrics for LMFP, Marian.
(11/08/2011 20:13:37, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marinka, altairwwws, Alien): vi zadaete voprosi?
(11/08/2011 20:13:50, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Yes, it is true, nobody has your voice and nobody does music like you do, and afterall, you make music loving what you do and that is the difference too!
(11/08/2011 20:13:57, room alphaville) Marian: Andrei, no live album in the near future
(11/08/2011 20:14:01, room alphaville) Alien (to Oksana.K): u matrosov net voprosov
(11/08/2011 20:14:10, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Do you have a personally favorite right now for singles from the upcoming album?
(11/08/2011 20:14:10, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): and you don't even need pracrice for it!
(11/08/2011 20:14:11, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): thank you
(11/08/2011 20:14:22, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen):
(11/08/2011 20:14:25, room alphaville) Karen: *practice
(11/08/2011 20:14:29, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Alien): hehe
(11/08/2011 20:14:38, room alphaville) Marian: Sabrina, that#s easy, its a x-mas song, isn't it? Or a y-mas song??
(11/08/2011 20:14:42, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Alien): da, pravda!
(11/08/2011 20:14:46, room alphaville) Marinka (to Alien):
(11/08/2011 20:14:49, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): What is giving you inspiration lately to write songs? You could write one about the asteroid that will pass near the Earth today,did you know about it?
(11/08/2011 20:14:50, room alphaville) Patten (to Marian): Any plans for another live dvd/blueray?
(11/08/2011 20:15:03, room alphaville) Marialpha: (NInoska) ya ves, no puedes irte de España! yo quiero llorar porque no me ha respondido
(11/08/2011 20:15:05, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): i want to ask you something Monkey in the Moon what is it about ?
(11/08/2011 20:15:28, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): yes, Marian, this question is also good, any plans for a DVD?
(11/08/2011 20:15:34, room alphaville) mirela (to Andrei86): messagge don't understood ????
(11/08/2011 20:15:36, room alphaville) alphaandre (to Marian): there are so many concerts in 2011, really good shows...and you spent so much energy in these there any plan to release a AV-DVD with Universal...since eleven years i think..these great live shows need a DVD/BluRay release...
(11/08/2011 20:15:37, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Sappy): welcome!
(11/08/2011 20:15:47, room alphaville) Marian: Vivi, my own life, and the experieces other members of the band have. The last tour we did. My children..
(11/08/2011 20:15:52, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Well I think all numbers are just reflects of 1ne but for me 23, 27, 33 & 37 are close friends
(11/08/2011 20:16:13, room alphaville) shapeseven: Moin!
(11/08/2011 20:16:13, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marialpha): yo ya no sé que preguntarle hehe.Era lo que más queria pregutnarle...
(11/08/2011 20:16:14, room alphaville) Karen (to shapeseven): hi Tobi
(11/08/2011 20:16:17, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): i tried harder to figuer out about monkey in the moon and if you cna tell me it will be great
(11/08/2011 20:16:21, room alphaville) Sappy (to Krapplund): ...thanks
(11/08/2011 20:16:24, room alphaville) MalilaM (to shapeseven):
(11/08/2011 20:16:39, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Ah, that is cool, Marian!!! And the new CD will be in the same record label?
(11/08/2011 20:16:51, room alphaville) Marian: alphaandre, yes, there are plans for a live album but not very soon. Even another dreamscapes ismorelikely to be earlier
(11/08/2011 20:16:54, room alphaville) Marialpha: lo volvere a intentar
(11/08/2011 20:17:03, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): As a huge Fur Dich fan, it's a shame it's not on the new album. Are you not allowed to release the all-Marian version because of the computer game? The video for it is amazing.
(11/08/2011 20:17:17, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): What is your favorite song from your whole creative? If it is...
(11/08/2011 20:17:18, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): Is there any song that you "hate / dont like" from the CROG album? Now after have been listening/playing it almost a year and even more during the production?
(11/08/2011 20:17:18, room alphaville) shapeseven: :]
(11/08/2011 20:17:23, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Thanks for being with us today, we your fans, love you!!
(11/08/2011 20:17:25, room alphaville) Marian: new album still with old company (Universal)
(11/08/2011 20:17:33, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): would another Dreamscapes be as large as the last one? you must have a lot of material for that
(11/08/2011 20:17:37, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): cool Marian
(11/08/2011 20:17:59, room alphaville) Halfnelson: hurra for Dreamscapes !!!
(11/08/2011 20:18:04, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): what books are you reading lately?
(11/08/2011 20:18:06, room alphaville) Apollo: Marian, I like the idea of another dreamscapes collection. There were some nice songs in the last 5 years that would otherwise be lost ...
(11/08/2011 20:18:08, room alphaville) Blue (to Marian): How are all the children?
(11/08/2011 20:18:13, room alphaville) Patten (to Marian): Do you know how many songs there will be on the new album?
(11/08/2011 20:18:14, room alphaville) Marian: Krapplund, I hate Phantoms because we did not mange toplay it on our tour
(11/08/2011 20:18:36, room alphaville) Sappy: My deepest respect goes to the band for taking the time to 'talk' with people here!
(11/08/2011 20:18:50, room alphaville) Karen (to Apollo): agree
(11/08/2011 20:18:53, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): Did you draw before?I'd be fantastic you show us some os your drawings.Sure they are fantastic,not?:)
(11/08/2011 20:18:56, room alphaville) MalilaM: But Phantoms is a very nice song! Can't be hated!
(11/08/2011 20:19:02, room alphaville) Clare: Phantoms is one of my favourites. I really would have loved to hear it live.
(11/08/2011 20:19:02, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : I'm too shy to ask Marian a question, but I like what he sings
(11/08/2011 20:19:03, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Why didnt you play it? No time to do it? Or was it a difficult song? Phantoms?
(11/08/2011 20:19:19, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Karen): Like "Sweet Dreams"
(11/08/2011 20:19:23, room alphaville) Marian: platten, between 12 and 15. 12 is more likely because some of the pieces seem to develop into really long tracks
(11/08/2011 20:19:26, room alphaville) Sabrina: Yeah, it's a shame that Phantoms wasn't played, it's a great song !
(11/08/2011 20:19:27, room alphaville) Karen: love Phantoms too - hell I love everything!
(11/08/2011 20:19:29, room alphaville) KaM: Phantoms reminds me of Gary Numan
(11/08/2011 20:19:39, room alphaville) Karen (to MalilaM): except that
(11/08/2011 20:19:51, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marialpha): crees que marian habrá cenado ya?hehehe
(11/08/2011 20:19:52, room alphaville) avnic (to Marian): hi marian, great to read you, my question: Do you plan further duett with Martin? It is such great when you sing together live
(11/08/2011 20:20:08, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): go on, ask away. We're all shy here.
(11/08/2011 20:20:09, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): Phantoms is very intresting song... i have idea to made a video on it!
(11/08/2011 20:20:13, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): And Marian, I am sure your pictures are beautiful, your paintings, I mean, you must think they are ugly, but they must not be, art is art!!!! I am sure you are a good painter! All you do has quality!
(11/08/2011 20:20:16, room alphaville) ng: some days ago the simulated mars flight ended, you surely read about it. would you endure years of sheer boredome to be the first man ont he mars, mr gold?..i can picture the photo of you waving an av flag there
(11/08/2011 20:20:18, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): thought you didn't like duets???
(11/08/2011 20:20:26, room alphaville) Marian: vivi, it sounded shit when we played it live. Seems to be a studio song, although I always imagined it as an ideal live track
(11/08/2011 20:20:47, room alphaville) Marialpha: (Ninoska) seguro que si
(11/08/2011 20:20:53, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): strange, why these things happen...
(11/08/2011 20:20:53, room alphaville) Sabrina: Will there also be a release party for the new album ? Berlin would be nice again !!
(11/08/2011 20:20:59, room alphaville) letty (to Marian): Hi Marian, greetings from UK, what bands and music are you into at the moment??
(11/08/2011 20:21:04, room alphaville) Apollo (to Karen): Must be some exceptions if I remember BochumAfterparty well ...
(11/08/2011 20:21:07, room alphaville) Guest745 (to Marialpha, NInoska): Pues yo creo que no ha cenado
(11/08/2011 20:21:10, room alphaville) Clare (to Karen):
(11/08/2011 20:21:23, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): Did you drawing before?Id be fantastic you can show us them :)I'm sure the are really beautiful:)
(11/08/2011 20:21:26, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): Marian, did you have any Extra Sensorial Perception experience in your life?
(11/08/2011 20:21:27, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, good thinking, but in this case I couldn't resist the temptation. She is an artist i adore since long
(11/08/2011 20:21:30, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): If you could choose some famous singer from the 80's to make a duet, who would you choose?
(11/08/2011 20:21:48, room alphaville) Karen: now I'm intrigued
(11/08/2011 20:21:53, room alphaville) Krapplund: Will the songs that Johan "Strauss" F from Sweden have been working with have any chance to be on the new album? Like you said "he´s genius"
(11/08/2011 20:21:58, room alphaville) Marian: Sabrina, you're asking for to many parties. You will kill me in the end:-)
(11/08/2011 20:22:03, room alphaville) Patten (to Marian): Lets hope for 15 songs then and some long song too
(11/08/2011 20:22:18, room alphaville) Sabrina: haha !!
(11/08/2011 20:22:28, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): we wanna parties here too...
(11/08/2011 20:22:30, room alphaville) KaM: I can't believe it's been a year since the release party. What a night..
(11/08/2011 20:22:34, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Now that you're back with WEA any chance to see rarities CD's (I can't listen anymore my vinyls with songs like Fools instrumental / Jerusalem 12'' B-side and such )
(11/08/2011 20:22:35, room alphaville) Apollo: Ha, I agree with Sabrina
(11/08/2011 20:22:40, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): you are made of gold you can resist it
(11/08/2011 20:22:44, room alphaville) Clare: I'm always intrigued
(11/08/2011 20:22:45, room alphaville) Karen: so now we know it's a female....
(11/08/2011 20:22:48, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): on the new album will be songs about World war two ?
(11/08/2011 20:22:57, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : this Batterbee question ?
(11/08/2011 20:23:10, room alphaville) Sabrina: Hi Apollo btw !
(11/08/2011 20:23:24, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Apollo): hello and Prost!
(11/08/2011 20:23:25, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): if you come someday to Brazil again, I and Felipe will be your guide in the city and in the tour!!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:23:49, room alphaville) Marian: Krapplund, can't say yet, i am so much involved in all the new stuff, as i said the flow in the production is fantastic at the mo, it would be a big mistake to interrupt it by returning to old stuff. Once we have written enough stuff, we will lean back a'
(11/08/2011 20:23:58, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): and where did the inspiration for phantoms come from?
(11/08/2011 20:23:58, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): Yes, you can count on us! We will guide you, Vivi will be youre translator
(11/08/2011 20:23:58, room alphaville) Marian: Hey silva
(11/08/2011 20:24:08, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Halfnelson): WEA? It's still Universal...
(11/08/2011 20:24:25, room alphaville) shapeseven: Never mention Batterbees name in public
(11/08/2011 20:24:25, room alphaville) Karen: thought I'd missed somethig there...
(11/08/2011 20:24:28, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: you too felipe, you speak english too
(11/08/2011 20:24:32, room alphaville) Karen: *something
(11/08/2011 20:24:41, room alphaville) Karen: missing fingers tonight for sure
(11/08/2011 20:24:47, room alphaville) Marian: Vivi, easy question to complicated answer. I will not give any explanations for songs in this chat:-)
(11/08/2011 20:24:50, room alphaville) Sappy (to Marian): .....will there be any remix contest for any of the new songs you think?
(11/08/2011 20:25:10, room alphaville) Sabrina: Marian, will Maja still join Alphaville during the tour 2012 ?
(11/08/2011 20:25:12, room alphaville) Dany: Hello Marian!
(11/08/2011 20:25:15, room alphaville) jetset (to shapeseven): : let's wait if we get a response
(11/08/2011 20:25:18, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to MalilaM): Well isn't only the name have changed ? But you're right of course
(11/08/2011 20:25:24, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): no worries, Marian, someday you explain us in the list then!
(11/08/2011 20:25:43, room alphaville) Krapplund:
(11/08/2011 20:25:46, room alphaville) Karen (to ViviBrazil): you need to come to your own conclusions...
(11/08/2011 20:26:12, room alphaville) Karen: that's all part of the connection
(11/08/2011 20:26:29, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: Karen, this too, but I would like someday to listen to official explanation, kinda, real phantoms or phantoms that are just in our mind, etc...
(11/08/2011 20:26:36, room alphaville) Marian: Sappy, not planned yet. I mean, we are stillin preproduction. We don't think too much about what we will do by the time the album is finished
(11/08/2011 20:26:57, room alphaville) karli (to Karen): I had quite a few conclusions about 42.
(11/08/2011 20:27:00, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): just silence I think.
(11/08/2011 20:27:09, room alphaville) Karen: reminds me of a long, long discussion on the mailing list a few years ago
(11/08/2011 20:27:11, room alphaville) Marialpha: (To Marian) Please Marian, Will you come to Venezuela? please answer me!!!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:27:30, room alphaville) Karen (to jetset, Clare): imagination...
(11/08/2011 20:27:38, room alphaville) Sappy: @Marian....ok, if you do I'm looking forward to do another one then good luck with the new stuff!
(11/08/2011 20:27:47, room alphaville) Marian: Maria, impossible to say right now.
(11/08/2011 20:28:02, room alphaville) Clare: imagination... we all have lots of that.
(11/08/2011 20:28:05, room alphaville) jetset (to Marian): Batterbee verboten?
(11/08/2011 20:28:09, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marialpha): It does not depend on Marian's wish, you need to find good promoters first. I heard it a lot of times
(11/08/2011 20:28:14, room alphaville) shapeseven: Hahaha
(11/08/2011 20:28:15, room alphaville) Marialpha: creo que voy a desmayarme
(11/08/2011 20:28:15, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): How do you feel about Russia? when in first time you was where?
(11/08/2011 20:28:18, room alphaville) Guest745 (to Marian): Hi Marian, why always in black in your shows??????
(11/08/2011 20:28:22, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): bu about Handfull of darnkness can you tell us if it will be on the album if you know by now ?
(11/08/2011 20:28:26, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): drinking beer or wine now?
(11/08/2011 20:28:45, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): please tell me or tell us
(11/08/2011 20:28:59, room alphaville) ironjohn (to Andrei86): That will be good...
(11/08/2011 20:29:09, room alphaville) Karen: after the palinca, I think I need coffee
(11/08/2011 20:29:16, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): I loved the black.
(11/08/2011 20:29:25, room alphaville) Sappy: I'm out...take care folks!
(11/08/2011 20:29:26, room alphaville) Sabrina: Marian, how many songs will the new album include ? Maybe even 2 CDs ?
(11/08/2011 20:29:34, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marialpha): te ha constestado hehe.Tranquila respira homdo
(11/08/2011 20:29:36, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): you will be touring the next album in Germany at least though?
(11/08/2011 20:29:42, room alphaville) shapeseven: Batter let it be
(11/08/2011 20:29:43, room alphaville) Marian: Oksana, we love to play there. St. Petersburg is such a wonderful place. I think our first concert was in 97 or 98 in Moscow at Gorki Park. Was an Open air
(11/08/2011 20:30:11, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): ironjohn wants to know too about Hnadfull of darkness please Marian tell us
(11/08/2011 20:30:13, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): is that artwork for Strange Attractor going to be its cover? Where was the pic taken?
(11/08/2011 20:30:18, room alphaville) alphaandre: ok i have to leave now...i startet to go to work since middle october again..only four ours at the moment..but it will be going on...good night...and take care all of you
(11/08/2011 20:30:19, room alphaville) KaM: Dreamscapes IV, or was that later?
(11/08/2011 20:30:26, room alphaville) Dimitri: what books you like readers
(11/08/2011 20:30:33, room alphaville) Clare: Marian, have you ever been to Scotland, I don't mean for work. Have you ever visited? Or Ireland? The celtic Iron John is so effective.
(11/08/2011 20:30:41, room alphaville) Apollo (to alphaandre): Ciao Andre
(11/08/2011 20:30:42, room alphaville) Oksana.K: HOW MANY QUESTUONS....!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:30:47, room alphaville) KaM (to alphaandre): Laters!
(11/08/2011 20:31:04, room alphaville) Karen (to alphaandre): take care André
(11/08/2011 20:31:07, room alphaville) Marian: Andrei, AHOD willdefinetely on Attractor
(11/08/2011 20:31:25, room alphaville) Clare (to alphaandre): bye
(11/08/2011 20:31:33, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): the evening's funniest question now; Can you please translate the Swedish word "Igelkott" to English??? ;D;D;D
(11/08/2011 20:31:37, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): thank you so much for that
(11/08/2011 20:31:41, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): ah marian, I put your name in the thanks page of the book I released, in the page I thank my idols and friends
(11/08/2011 20:31:47, room alphaville) Krapplund (to alphaandre): take care and see you!
(11/08/2011 20:31:50, room alphaville) Karen (to Krapplund): how much beer have you had?
(11/08/2011 20:31:55, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): Thank you, we will waiting you here!
(11/08/2011 20:32:00, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Karen): some
(11/08/2011 20:32:10, room alphaville) Marian: Clare, when I was was a little boy, about 8 or nine , I sailed with my father to Scotland
(11/08/2011 20:32:17, room alphaville) shapeseven: Beer is good
(11/08/2011 20:32:21, room alphaville) Apollo (to Krapplund): Aaand?
(11/08/2011 20:32:32, room alphaville) ironjohn: Last year I've read a lot about German RAF. And I was very impressed... Do you remember that time and all that fear that was in German society? so called "German autumn"?
(11/08/2011 20:32:35, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): the one I released was a professional one, but you know I wrote many stories inspired in AV songs, if you want I can send the stories to you to read by email.
(11/08/2011 20:32:35, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Apollo): Aaaand...?
(11/08/2011 20:32:37, room alphaville) Marian: Oksana, we actually play Mocow this week on friday
(11/08/2011 20:32:45, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : pfff, Marian replied to you
(11/08/2011 20:32:47, room alphaville) Karen (to Apollo): that would be aaannnnnnnnddd??
(11/08/2011 20:32:49, room alphaville) KaM (to ViviBrazil): I'm going to try that too in my doctoral thesis - see if anyone complains
(11/08/2011 20:32:55, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Marian): Some Spanish fanclub fans are intrigued on why you always performs live dressed in black... they're planning to make a fashion team for you
(11/08/2011 20:33:00, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Oh, I think Strange Attractor is the best ever name for an album of yours. Would had fit perfectly with the song 'Paradigm Shift' (one of my very favorite).
(11/08/2011 20:33:05, room alphaville) NInoska: I'd wish live in Moscow to go
(11/08/2011 20:33:08, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: Kam, hahahahaha
(11/08/2011 20:33:21, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: Kam,why would anyone complain?
(11/08/2011 20:33:21, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): see how many Alphaville song titles you can fit into your thesis and get away with it
(11/08/2011 20:33:28, room alphaville) Sabrina: oh yes, the word of the weekend was not spoken yet - hahaha.
(11/08/2011 20:33:33, room alphaville) MalilaM: *perform even ;(
(11/08/2011 20:33:40, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Do you already have a beer glass with your name on it? I haz !
(11/08/2011 20:33:42, room alphaville) NInoska (to MalilaM): hahaha que pregunta más buena
(11/08/2011 20:33:45, room alphaville) FelipeBR: Actually, " Strange Attractor" was the first name of "Prostitute" album
(11/08/2011 20:33:47, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Sabrina): hehehehe...word!
(11/08/2011 20:33:51, room alphaville) Marian: Malila, thanks, always open for constructive comments:-)
(11/08/2011 20:33:57, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset):
(11/08/2011 20:33:57, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Alien): wb
(11/08/2011 20:34:13, room alphaville) Alien (to MalilaM): thanks, you know chatisevil
(11/08/2011 20:34:18, room alphaville) letty (to Marian): I wondered if you had ever been to Stratford upon Avon in UK? I live near there and every time I see the RSC I dream of seing AV there!!!
(11/08/2011 20:34:31, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Marian): I do like black, but they can see colours
(11/08/2011 20:34:35, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): stay with the black - looks mean and moody
(11/08/2011 20:34:41, room alphaville) jetset (to Clare): : can't compete
(11/08/2011 20:34:59, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Karen):
(11/08/2011 20:35:01, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): what would you do if the world ended today with the big asteroide?
(11/08/2011 20:35:19, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Alien): it is
(11/08/2011 20:35:20, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): How much time have you spent in South Africa Marian?
(11/08/2011 20:35:22, room alphaville) Marian: letty, yes I had been there, again with my father after a boat trip on the Thames up to Oxford and back.
(11/08/2011 20:35:29, room alphaville) Karen (to MalilaM): what - like Marian and his Amazing Technicolour Coat of Many Colours?
(11/08/2011 20:35:49, room alphaville) Clare (to jetset): Not a competition, is it? I'm sure you'llgetthe answer some day
(11/08/2011 20:35:56, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): I was trying that, and doing well, but I got carried away with cosmopolitician, which got many '???'s
(11/08/2011 20:35:58, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): even you draw?I'd be fantastic you can show us,no?
(11/08/2011 20:36:02, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): anyway the most beautyfull thing for me was shake my hand with you two times in Bucharest and Sofia in Sofia was this year
(11/08/2011 20:36:04, room alphaville) Halfnelson: Black is a great colour, it fits with all others colours.... Especially black ! (quoting a friend)
(11/08/2011 20:36:09, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): so, will meet on the concert on friday !
(11/08/2011 20:36:12, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): you need to reference
(11/08/2011 20:36:17, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Karen): They liked the brown jacket he wore for a fashion magazine
(11/08/2011 20:36:30, room alphaville) Marian: karli, unfortunately never more than a week, whenever I was down there. I travalled east africa a couple of times.
(11/08/2011 20:36:39, room alphaville) letty (to Marian): How lovely to have been there with your father, I got there with my Dad a lot (usually end up in the pub after a walk by the river!)
(11/08/2011 20:36:45, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): what do you think about nuclear energy and after Japan accident? (And yeah, black is a great color for clothes, also look kind gothic!)
(11/08/2011 20:36:51, room alphaville) tjommen: (to Marian) when can we listen to Life on mars with alphaville
(11/08/2011 20:36:56, room alphaville) Marian: Great Oksana, I will look for you:-)
(11/08/2011 20:37:00, room alphaville) Marialpha: (To Marian) Only to send a very big hug for you and your family
(11/08/2011 20:37:17, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): Do you feel more like Marian or Hartwig? Did you ever forget your name is Hartwig?
(11/08/2011 20:37:26, room alphaville) Marian: letty, you are blesssed living there
(11/08/2011 20:37:27, room alphaville) Karen (to letty): I went to the RSC when I was 17 - fell asleep during King Lear (shame on me)
(11/08/2011 20:37:36, room alphaville) Marian: Thanx Maria
(11/08/2011 20:38:05, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): why don't you like much the idea of having a facebook account or other of the kind?
(11/08/2011 20:38:06, room alphaville) Krapplund: listen to Vision Talk - Icaros
(11/08/2011 20:38:07, room alphaville) Marian: Yes Karen, all this blood shed is very tiring
(11/08/2011 20:38:10, room alphaville) Clare (to Marian): Thanks for answering my question too.
(11/08/2011 20:38:20, room alphaville) Sabrina: How many songs will Alphaville perform in Hamburg (O2 Arena) in December ?
(11/08/2011 20:38:25, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): well, it was long...
(11/08/2011 20:38:39, room alphaville) Marian: Vivi, maybe sooner or later I will have one
(11/08/2011 20:38:47, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): Shocker.
(11/08/2011 20:38:52, room alphaville) letty (to Marian): So AV at the RSC - how about it? shall I make enquiries? Would keep us all going until Paris and Kaz would not fall asleep during it?!
(11/08/2011 20:38:57, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, only joking
(11/08/2011 20:38:57, room alphaville) Karen: but I was in awe that Jenny Agutter was starring in it
(11/08/2011 20:39:06, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): I know
(11/08/2011 20:39:26, room alphaville) KaM: I saw A Winters Tale a few years ago - they made a rockfest out of the second half!
(11/08/2011 20:39:29, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): when you visited spain,did you taste "paella"?:)
(11/08/2011 20:39:40, room alphaville) Clare (to Dingerz):
(11/08/2011 20:39:50, room alphaville) Karen (to Dingerz): hey Tara!
(11/08/2011 20:39:51, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Dingerz):
(11/08/2011 20:39:55, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): i think that yes!
(11/08/2011 20:40:02, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian):
(11/08/2011 20:40:08, room alphaville) Dingerz: Hi everyone!
(11/08/2011 20:40:09, room alphaville) Sabrina: Marian, will Alphaville also perform songs from the CROG album in Hamburg in December ?
(11/08/2011 20:40:10, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Can I invite you on my Birthday party on dec. 3?
(11/08/2011 20:40:12, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): how many dogs do you have ?
(11/08/2011 20:40:12, room alphaville) Marian: There is a new movie on shakespeare by Roland emmerich. Read about it. Sounded interesting
(11/08/2011 20:40:13, room alphaville) Karen (to letty): that would be soooo cool!
(11/08/2011 20:40:14, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): I think to have a facebook account could bring much more fans. And cool you think to have one someday. I miss you in the facebook, Marian
(11/08/2011 20:40:25, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): biopic?
(11/08/2011 20:40:30, room alphaville) Marian: Richani, yes, you can:-)
(11/08/2011 20:40:45, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): the book and the opera is no longer in the future or what?
(11/08/2011 20:40:47, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): doesn't mean he'll come though joking
(11/08/2011 20:40:56, room alphaville) Marian: Vivi, but I don't mis facebook very much
(11/08/2011 20:40:57, room alphaville) shapeseven (to Sabrina): hallo from hamburg to hamburg
(11/08/2011 20:41:00, room alphaville) feripest: (to Marian)
(11/08/2011 20:41:18, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): All my friends and idols are on facebook... I really miss you there. The world will end with this facebook, lol I am addicted to it!
(11/08/2011 20:41:24, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen): Nobody will that day too close to st nicolas celebration so I will be my only guest again as usual
(11/08/2011 20:41:35, room alphaville) Oksana.K: We have first Snow!!! one day and begin snowboarding!!!
(11/08/2011 20:41:37, room alphaville) Apollo (to Sabrina, shapeseven): Hallo vom gebürtigen Norddeutschen in die alte Heimat
(11/08/2011 20:41:47, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): you need to have two birthdays then, like the Queen
(11/08/2011 20:41:48, room alphaville) Sabrina: Hallo Tobias !!
(11/08/2011 20:41:54, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): strange, you are an internet boy, Marian, maybe you didnt see yet what facebook has to offer, after, you will be addict like everybody!
(11/08/2011 20:41:58, room alphaville) shapeseven (to Apollo): hey
(11/08/2011 20:42:07, room alphaville) Krapplund (to ViviBrazil): you should get another hobby
(11/08/2011 20:42:08, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Shakespeare by Roland Emmerich ? ... Sounds weird... strange attractors...
(11/08/2011 20:42:13, room alphaville) Dingerz: It is interesting how most fan communities have moved off forums and mailing lists and gone to Facebook. It is true. However, even Facebook communities are limited. It seems that everything is too fragmented these days,
(11/08/2011 20:42:14, room alphaville) Marian: Krapplund, book is behind the horizon at the mo, if you mean the Alice project with "opera" I am currently writing a third version
(11/08/2011 20:42:24, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen): Hopefully I wont get twice as old then too
(11/08/2011 20:42:30, room alphaville) Karen (to ViviBrazil): I doubt Marian has time for Facebook - songs to write and stuff
(11/08/2011 20:42:36, room alphaville) Apollo (to Richani):
(11/08/2011 20:42:41, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): as long as you don't end up looking ike her
(11/08/2011 20:42:47, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): ohhh...sounds great about the alice "opera"
(11/08/2011 20:42:52, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen):
(11/08/2011 20:42:58, room alphaville) MalilaM: Many fans (me included) missed Gallery in CROG... as it won't be a part of Attractor either, is it at least a candidate for DS13?
(11/08/2011 20:43:03, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): I have an excellent beer 4 u
(11/08/2011 20:43:04, room alphaville) KaM (to Dingerz): I agree. That's why Google+ was a problem. Once it's half-and-half, each is only half as useful.
(11/08/2011 20:43:10, room alphaville) letty (to Marian): I do feel blessed living near there, I love the place! But you are lucky living in Berlin, that is one heck of a cool place!
(11/08/2011 20:43:11, room alphaville) Blue:
(11/08/2011 20:43:11, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): on Alice - is it the same story or from a totally different perspective?
(11/08/2011 20:43:13, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): you mean alice ouverture that song that was attached with all in a golden afternoon
(11/08/2011 20:43:20, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): ?
(11/08/2011 20:43:25, room alphaville) Halfnelson: If you want to loose all privacy, go to facebook
(11/08/2011 20:43:26, room alphaville) Marian: halfnelson, yes, it is about the thesis that someone else wrote all the shakesperiabn stuff and william only "promoted" it
(11/08/2011 20:43:29, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: karen, yeah, i know for musicians time is short, but I have friends that work and do music and also have time for facebook, but marian has his family to take care too, so this can be complicated
(11/08/2011 20:43:49, room alphaville) Karen (to letty): Oi! Cologne is cool too, you know!
(11/08/2011 20:44:05, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): you could do a book with your pictures too (paintings) someday
(11/08/2011 20:44:07, room alphaville) Krapplund: listen to Henric de la Cour - Gothic
(11/08/2011 20:44:20, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Thanks (again) I will search about it
(11/08/2011 20:44:40, room alphaville) KaM: That sounds a Robert Logan-esque idea
(11/08/2011 20:44:41, room alphaville) Karen: nearly typed snogs instead of songs - damn fingers
(11/08/2011 20:44:44, room alphaville) apolla: good night to all
(11/08/2011 20:44:47, room alphaville) Marialpha: (To Marian) any word in spanish?
(11/08/2011 20:44:53, room alphaville) letty (to Karen): we must do that boat rip soon in cologne!!
(11/08/2011 20:45:10, room alphaville) Apollo: Boat rip?
(11/08/2011 20:45:12, room alphaville) Karen: boa rip? don't know if I'm that strong
(11/08/2011 20:45:12, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): Have you ever been to Rio? If so what places did you visit?
(11/08/2011 20:45:15, room alphaville) Dingerz: I'd love a book from you Marian - written/art anything would be fascinating.
(11/08/2011 20:45:17, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): Will u ever bring out a perfume in your name, like Iggy Pop just did? or something commercialised in that way?
(11/08/2011 20:45:26, room alphaville) Karen: boat too - well, I ruined that one, didn't I?
(11/08/2011 20:45:28, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): show us your paintings.Sure they are really fantastic!
(11/08/2011 20:45:35, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, it's the same story from a totally different perspective. Only one thing, in my version Lewis Carroll sings the first song dressed in drag and full make up. I tw ill actually be me. My first time as a countertenor (with balls:-)
(11/08/2011 20:45:50, room alphaville) Sabrina: Marian, please give me more information about your performance in Hamburg in December !! Any CROG songs played there ?!
(11/08/2011 20:45:51, room alphaville) letty: Lol - boat trip but I think a boat rip sounds funnier now and so we will do that (falls on floor laughing)
(11/08/2011 20:45:56, room alphaville) Karen: love it!
(11/08/2011 20:45:59, room alphaville) Marian: Ninoska, YOUR paintings are fantastic!
(11/08/2011 20:46:03, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Dany): A concert in Rio de Janeiro in 1999 was planned, but was cancelled due to lack of promotion, sadly.
(11/08/2011 20:46:17, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): How many drawings done by me do you have? I forgot... Would really love to see one of yours too
(11/08/2011 20:46:33, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): and tights??
(11/08/2011 20:46:34, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): It reminds me an old movie (or tv serie) about Louis XIV who was the real author behind Molière. And I think I heard about this thesis
(11/08/2011 20:46:36, room alphaville) altairwwws (to apolla): good night
(11/08/2011 20:46:41, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): ohhh really?I have to improve more,more,more!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:46:51, room alphaville) Karen: thinking Shakespeare here before anyone gets any funny ideas
(11/08/2011 20:46:52, room alphaville) Marialpha: (Felipe) no puede ser!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:46:55, room alphaville) Dany (to FelipeBR): Yeah, I know they went to São Paulo
(11/08/2011 20:47:02, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): back to the evening's funniest question; Can you please translate the Swedish word "Igelkott" to English???
(11/08/2011 20:47:10, room alphaville) Marian: Sabrina, we will only play for 40 minutes or so (like everybody else) Short set= less CRoG
(11/08/2011 20:47:26, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to altairwwws): zvoni, pishi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do p'jatnici!!
(11/08/2011 20:47:29, room alphaville) Sabrina: Danke !
(11/08/2011 20:47:41, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Dany): I feel so ashamed for that.
(11/08/2011 20:47:41, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): I get more blog hits for Joseph Fiennes in Shakespeare in Love than anything else.
(11/08/2011 20:47:52, room alphaville) NInoska: ahora si que voy a llorar
(11/08/2011 20:48:10, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): I couldn't get away with that film - Hollywood trash
(11/08/2011 20:48:24, room alphaville) Sabrina: Hä, what is "Igelkott" ???!
(11/08/2011 20:48:29, room alphaville) Marialpha: (Ninoska) no es para menos!!!!
(11/08/2011 20:48:39, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Sabrina): hehehehe
(11/08/2011 20:48:54, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): What all those "Blaze Queens..." mean in SFNO?
(11/08/2011 20:48:57, room alphaville) Marian: Krapplund its hedgehog (translates into German to "Heckenschwein". I like "Heckenschewein" much more than the traditional German term "Igel" which by the way is pronounced like the English word "eagle".
(11/08/2011 20:49:08, room alphaville) Apollo (to Sabrina): Ich hoffe kein "Igelkot" ...
(11/08/2011 20:49:09, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): os STRANGE ATRACTOR Martin is also compser of the songs beside you ?
(11/08/2011 20:49:14, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): 10 points to MARIAN!
(11/08/2011 20:49:24, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): never heard that one before
(11/08/2011 20:49:30, room alphaville) Sabrina: Hahahaaaaaaaa, daran habe ich auch schon gedacht . Ich lach mich schlapp !!
(11/08/2011 20:49:44, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): OK! eshe v facebook ili zdes spishemsya
(11/08/2011 20:49:47, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): you told us someday that you got nervous in your first times that you were on a stage on TV, and now, how much nervous do you get before a show?
(11/08/2011 20:50:16, room alphaville) Karen (to Dany): read up on Polari
(11/08/2011 20:50:17, room alphaville) Halfnelson: currently 37 users, wich means e can form 666 couples
(11/08/2011 20:50:18, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): do you have a name to the new album?
(11/08/2011 20:50:18, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): do p'jatnici!!
(11/08/2011 20:50:19, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to altairwwws): ti v odnoklassnikah- est'?
(11/08/2011 20:50:31, room alphaville) Sabrina: Apollo, oder "Igelkotz" .... hehehe
(11/08/2011 20:50:33, room alphaville) karli: In Afrikaans it is a Krimpvarkie, this Igelkot.
(11/08/2011 20:50:37, room alphaville) KaM: Carry on Camping
(11/08/2011 20:50:44, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): est'
(11/08/2011 20:50:46, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM):
(11/08/2011 20:50:59, room alphaville) Guest791: helloeveryone
(11/08/2011 20:51:06, room alphaville) Sabrina: Aber nun haben wir ja die Auflösung, dank Marian !
(11/08/2011 20:51:10, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): by the way...what about the Martins ankle after the gig in Bielefeld??
(11/08/2011 20:51:13, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): ya olga barysheva
(11/08/2011 20:51:24, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): What was the most embarassing thing that ever happened in your concerts?
(11/08/2011 20:51:28, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to altairwwws): napishi sebia v private
(11/08/2011 20:51:37, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: dany, cool question
(11/08/2011 20:51:41, room alphaville) Guest791 (to Marian): have definite a release date for the new album?
(11/08/2011 20:52:00, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): ya vo sveh soc. setyah est'
(11/08/2011 20:52:05, room alphaville) Marian: Dany, this is a secret language called "Polari" spoken by the gay society in England during the fifties and sixties when homosexuality was still a crime in Europe. With the rise of moral liberalism this language disappeared. It is a wonderful language,
(11/08/2011 20:52:12, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): did you have to deal with some crazy fan sometime that wanted to marry you in the force/strenght? Or your fans are all like us polite people?
(11/08/2011 20:52:27, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): back to Dreamscapes - is that defintely planned then? after the new album of course
(11/08/2011 20:52:30, room alphaville) altairwwws (to Oksana.K): nu ili pochti
(11/08/2011 20:52:38, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Marian): I've seen in CROG artwork some skulls and motives that can be found in Mexican handicrafts (mostly those for the festivities of the dead)... Is that a little reminiscence from Fools videomaking or do they come from somewhere else?
(11/08/2011 20:52:55, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): many words from which filtered into the everyday English language and are still used today
(11/08/2011 20:53:15, room alphaville) KaM: blazé is quite a cool word
(11/08/2011 20:53:25, room alphaville) Marian: very imaginative, cinsisting out of italian, german, polish, french and english slangs brought by sailors who came to the ritish harbour cities
(11/08/2011 20:53:25, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): was BIJ inspired in something real that happened in the zoo Berlin or just a fiction or just kinda the book Christiane F.?
(11/08/2011 20:53:32, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): Oh Ok...
(11/08/2011 20:53:43, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): tell me please witch country culture impressed you the most ?
(11/08/2011 20:54:11, room alphaville) Marian: karen, there is a lot of unused material. Yes I think its a bout time (if there is time)
(11/08/2011 20:54:16, room alphaville) Krapplund (to karli): hehehe...sound nice!
(11/08/2011 20:54:33, room alphaville) KaM: Excellent
(11/08/2011 20:54:37, room alphaville) Marian: vivi, BIJ is a real story
(11/08/2011 20:54:37, room alphaville) Karen: think it's a great idea
(11/08/2011 20:54:55, room alphaville) Guest791 (to Marian): will you play in France in 2012 or must we wait until the 30th anniversary gig in 2014?
(11/08/2011 20:54:55, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): Yeah, but Marian how did you learn Polari at such a young age, or was it afterwards?
(11/08/2011 20:55:23, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): wow Marian, real story of some friend of yours?
(11/08/2011 20:55:30, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): Has the 'Eurozone' problem been bad for AVE, or is it all business as usual?
(11/08/2011 20:55:55, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): when you finally achieve "Alice", could you envisage yourself moving into the world of musicals? or is it a one-off?
(11/08/2011 20:56:00, room alphaville) Marian: altairwwww, yes , you're right. Originally I wanted to use that style for illustrations for Things I Didn't do
(11/08/2011 20:56:04, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: Because i know that it was a thing that really happened in the zoo that time, but was it with someone you knew?
(11/08/2011 20:56:18, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): this question above was to marian
(11/08/2011 20:56:32, room alphaville) karli (to Krapplund): Yes, i like ur language too.
(11/08/2011 20:57:08, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): I see that you like to talk about zoos in your lyrics, does it have a special meaning to you?
(11/08/2011 20:57:28, room alphaville) Karen (to ways): wb Marina
(11/08/2011 20:57:33, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, one off definitely, Alice has become a kind of nightmarish project for me.The day it is finished I will go into a bar and get pissed for three days
(11/08/2011 20:57:44, room alphaville) Karen:
(11/08/2011 20:58:02, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): how long have you been working on that now?
(11/08/2011 20:58:08, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): and also the book, isnt it marian? a nightmare? because you dont have much time...
(11/08/2011 20:58:10, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): I will join you than
(11/08/2011 20:58:21, room alphaville) Marialpha:
(11/08/2011 20:58:25, room alphaville) Karen (to Krapplund): quelle surprise
(11/08/2011 20:58:34, room alphaville) Marian: Dany, do I? But there are only two songs where I use the word, isn't it?
(11/08/2011 20:58:39, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): how did you come up -victory of love?
(11/08/2011 20:58:41, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Karen): kisses
(11/08/2011 20:58:49, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): when you went to berlin, marian, would you think you would be a singer? did you intend it?
(11/08/2011 20:58:54, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): When that day comes, please call us We will join you
(11/08/2011 20:58:59, room alphaville) Karen (to Krapplund): smack ya
(11/08/2011 20:59:09, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Karen): LÖÖÖÖVE!
(11/08/2011 20:59:24, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): yes, about song the things i didn't do .... the song look liking on Pery Como?
(11/08/2011 20:59:26, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Dimitri): Great song by the way
(11/08/2011 20:59:28, room alphaville) Marian: Vivi, no the book is easy task. It just grows and grows. A bit like our website soon will be..
(11/08/2011 20:59:38, room alphaville) Alien (to Karen): You stole my line!
(11/08/2011 20:59:44, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): i did't got that very clear about who is Alice
(11/08/2011 20:59:44, room alphaville) Clare: Just chatting my friend Celeste on the phone
(11/08/2011 20:59:48, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): so it´s time for "my alphaville" ?
(11/08/2011 20:59:53, room alphaville) Karen (to Alien): learn from the very best
(11/08/2011 21:00:12, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): and after that day when you had no house and it was cold, how did you get to get the first job? how many days you got homeless? and what the first job you got?
(11/08/2011 21:00:13, room alphaville) KaM (to Krapplund): I swear I never drank until I met you.
(11/08/2011 21:00:16, room alphaville) Marian: Oksana, yeah, I was a big Perry Como fan when I was twelve
(11/08/2011 21:00:34, room alphaville) KaM: Magic Moments
(11/08/2011 21:00:36, room alphaville) Krapplund (to KaM): but now you like vodka/red bull
(11/08/2011 21:00:36, room alphaville) Karen: oh god, I was raised on Perry Como - my dad was a huge fan
(11/08/2011 21:00:44, room alphaville) Marian: Yes, Krapplund, its about time
(11/08/2011 21:00:55, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): do you like Jaques Brel ?
(11/08/2011 21:00:57, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): ah, marian very good the book is growing and someday we will be able to read it!!!
(11/08/2011 21:01:08, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, well no worries, I could be your dad
(11/08/2011 21:01:28, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): you must have been very young then
(11/08/2011 21:01:35, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): no marian, you are forever young!!!
(11/08/2011 21:01:40, room alphaville) Richani: teenage daddy
(11/08/2011 21:01:48, room alphaville) KaM (to Krapplund): And whiskey. And whiskey. And whiskey.
(11/08/2011 21:02:09, room alphaville) Marian: Andrei, o yeah, man, this gus is was a genius. Oh, I love him. More than Scott Walker and Bowie together
(11/08/2011 21:02:20, room alphaville) Karen: all talk of grey hair in this room is banned, do you hear?
(11/08/2011 21:02:30, room alphaville) KaM:
(11/08/2011 21:02:39, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): you really young!!!!
(11/08/2011 21:02:40, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): there are no collaborations with other artists albums releases in the near future?
(11/08/2011 21:02:44, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): before you met david bowie in a disco, today who would you dream to meet in person of your idols?
(11/08/2011 21:02:46, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to mirela): thank you for the answer
(11/08/2011 21:02:46, room alphaville) Karen: and saggy bits
(11/08/2011 21:02:48, room alphaville) Marian: I dyed mine anyway
(11/08/2011 21:02:50, room alphaville) Richani: I have 2 grey hairs already
(11/08/2011 21:03:01, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): you're not supposed to tell!
(11/08/2011 21:03:03, room alphaville) Marian: I mean the hair:-)
(11/08/2011 21:03:06, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): - I am sorry Marian but I compared you to Adam Buxton yesterday. It was a compliment.
(11/08/2011 21:03:06, room alphaville) feripest:
(11/08/2011 21:03:13, room alphaville) Krapplund (to KaM): we have to party somethime again
(11/08/2011 21:03:17, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): so did I
(11/08/2011 21:03:24, room alphaville) Clare: I have lots of grey hair. Who cares. Call it silver.
(11/08/2011 21:03:33, room alphaville) Marian: KaM, who is Adam Buxton?????
(11/08/2011 21:03:34, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): when it comes to compression stockings, you have to draw a line
(11/08/2011 21:03:36, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Did you ever dye it blond?
(11/08/2011 21:03:48, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: or colored?
(11/08/2011 21:03:50, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Speaking of about time and french speaking singers... Dows 'Sounds like A Melody' single have a connection to Serge Gainsbourg ?
(11/08/2011 21:03:52, room alphaville) KaM (to Krapplund): Absolutely. I'm really sorry I didn't make it this year. Reading about party in Scandinavia next year. I want to!
(11/08/2011 21:03:55, room alphaville) Marian: Clare, or Gold
(11/08/2011 21:03:58, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): oh god, I did - when I was at school in France
(11/08/2011 21:04:14, room alphaville) NInoska (to Marian): you are made of gold
(11/08/2011 21:04:21, room alphaville) Dingerz: I need to get my arse back to Germany for more Alphaville fun. It's been too long..
(11/08/2011 21:04:35, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen): I once dyed it smurfes blue when I was 12. biggest mistake ever
(11/08/2011 21:04:38, room alphaville) Clare (to Marian): yes, I prefer Gold!
(11/08/2011 21:04:48, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): what's your favorite song from Baques Brel ?
(11/08/2011 21:04:52, room alphaville) Karen (to Clare): don#t we all?
(11/08/2011 21:04:59, room alphaville) Clare (to Dingerz): you do Tara.
(11/08/2011 21:05:01, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): nice, your song i like better!
(11/08/2011 21:05:03, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): so marian, why the name marian? anyone in your family with this name?
(11/08/2011 21:05:06, room alphaville) Marian: Halfnelson, not at all, it has a connection to Nice. But only for me probably
(11/08/2011 21:05:11, room alphaville) Krapplund (to KaM): you welcome...and marian also
(11/08/2011 21:05:14, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): - He's a British "comedian" - it was just the look on a picture where you are being accosted by Richani and Karen.
(11/08/2011 21:05:16, room alphaville) Karen (to Richani): we need pics!
(11/08/2011 21:05:16, room alphaville) Guest791 (to Karen): you was in school in france?where city?
(11/08/2011 21:05:40, room alphaville) Clare: back on the claret it's almost my drink.
(11/08/2011 21:05:48, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): eh? what did I miss?
(11/08/2011 21:06:02, room alphaville) Richani (to Karen): I dont have I looked horible as a child
(11/08/2011 21:06:09, room alphaville) Karen (to Clare): still on palinca - takes me 2 hours to drink 10ml
(11/08/2011 21:06:11, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): what do you think around this little boy called Justin Bieber??
(11/08/2011 21:06:15, room alphaville) KaM (to Karen): Nowt. You liked it, I think
(11/08/2011 21:06:22, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Ok, I thought maybe there was a little joke to 'Melody Nelson'
(11/08/2011 21:06:23, room alphaville) Fishbones: Hello everybody
(11/08/2011 21:06:28, room alphaville) FelipeBR: LOL
(11/08/2011 21:06:30, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: hello sharon!!!!
(11/08/2011 21:06:35, room alphaville) Richani: HI sharon !!
(11/08/2011 21:06:39, room alphaville) Karen (to Fishbones): hi Sharon
(11/08/2011 21:06:40, room alphaville) MalilaM (to Fishbones):
(11/08/2011 21:06:40, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Karen): do you need help
(11/08/2011 21:06:42, room alphaville) Krapplund: ?
(11/08/2011 21:06:45, room alphaville) letty (to Fishbones): Hi Sharon!
(11/08/2011 21:06:47, room alphaville) KaM:
(11/08/2011 21:06:50, room alphaville) Silva888: (to Richani) I don't believe, you'll be pretty with any color^)
(11/08/2011 21:06:50, room alphaville) Karen (to KaM): :-X
(11/08/2011 21:06:51, room alphaville) Clare (to Fishbones): Hi Sharon!
(11/08/2011 21:07:06, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): please tell me Marian? what's your favorite song from Jaques Brel ?
(11/08/2011 21:07:07, room alphaville) Karen (to Krapplund): will bring some next time we meet
(11/08/2011 21:07:08, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Fishbones): welcome and prost!
(11/08/2011 21:07:25, room alphaville) Fishbones: I am so late here. my internet was down
(11/08/2011 21:07:29, room alphaville) Clare: NIce? Jetset will be so pleased to read that
(11/08/2011 21:07:30, room alphaville) Oksana.K (to Marian): on romain Marian means planet Mars...
(11/08/2011 21:07:40, room alphaville) ViviBrazil: marian, do you prefer nowadays or the 80's? I bet you'll say today!!
(11/08/2011 21:07:42, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Andrei86): can anybody have a favorit song by him?
(11/08/2011 21:07:45, room alphaville) Richani (to Silva888): No not about the color, I used to be ugly as a child but now I'm a bit more satisfied
(11/08/2011 21:07:52, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): so, costume for Alice - what will it be like then? apart from make-up and drag - details?
(11/08/2011 21:07:55, room alphaville) Marian: Ok, gals and guys, that's it for me. Got to take the dog outside and then return to the studio. Was great fun talking to you. Hope to see you on concerts, whereever and in best of all worlds in Paris in two years? How does that soun?:-)
(11/08/2011 21:07:55, room alphaville) Dimitri (to Marian): see you...
(11/08/2011 21:08:13, room alphaville) ironjohn (to Oksana.K): That's interesting inormation ^)
(11/08/2011 21:08:20, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): hope this venue works out
(11/08/2011 21:08:23, room alphaville) Andrei86 (to Marian): GOD BLESS YOU MARIAN
(11/08/2011 21:08:24, room alphaville) Richani (to Marian): Thanks for the chat Marian !! Ho[pefully 'till nxt year
(11/08/2011 21:08:26, room alphaville) Marian: Karen, you will see. Let me surprise you.
(11/08/2011 21:08:26, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): ai marian I am so far from paris
(11/08/2011 21:08:28, room alphaville) FelipeBR (to Marian): See you in Paris
(11/08/2011 21:08:38, room alphaville) MalilaM: I'll be 40 in 2014, so I'll be there to celebrate!!
(11/08/2011 21:08:40, room alphaville) Krapplund (to Marian): sounds great! see you there and have a great week and work good in studio. And take a beer or two
(11/08/2011 21:08:40, room alphaville) Andrei86: WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN
(11/08/2011 21:08:41, room alphaville) Guest791 (to Krapplund): DANS LE PORT D'AMSTERDAM
(11/08/2011 21:08:41, room alphaville) Apollo: Yes, see you in Paris.
(11/08/2011 21:08:43, room alphaville) Halfnelson (to Marian): Sounds great ! Thanks you Marian
(11/08/2011 21:08:44, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): then bye dear marian and thanks a lot for the chat!!!
(11/08/2011 21:08:51, room alphaville) Marian: Bye, love you anyway....
(11/08/2011 21:08:53, room alphaville) Blue: everything will be alright... good night
(11/08/2011 21:08:53, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): don't you always?
(11/08/2011 21:08:55, room alphaville) NInoska: Bye
(11/08/2011 21:08:58, room alphaville) KaM (to Marian): Thank you Marian! You're a legend!
(11/08/2011 21:09:01, room alphaville) karli (to Marian): Bye Marian, love you to.
(11/08/2011 21:09:04, room alphaville) NInoska: have a great week:)
(11/08/2011 21:09:04, room alphaville) Marian: Bye ninoska
(11/08/2011 21:09:06, room alphaville) Karen (to Marian): take care, hugs
(11/08/2011 21:09:08, room alphaville) ViviBrazil (to Marian): we love you too marian, hugs
(11/08/2011 21:09:10, room alphaville) Clare: See you in Paris Marian. Or possibly before.
(11/08/2011 21:09:18, room alphaville) mirela: we love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(11/08/2011 21:09:20, room alphaville) Sabrina: Danke und Tschüss, Marian !
(11/08/2011 21:09:24, room alphaville) MalilaM: Thank you, Marian!
(11/08/2011 21:09:30, room alphaville) Marian: yes Clare. Looking forward to this
(11/08/2011 21:09:31, room alphaville) Dany (to Marian): Bye Bye Marian
(11/08/2011 21:09:31, room alphaville) NInoska: I love you:)
(11/08/2011 21:09:35, room alphaville) Blu: bye everybody Kissesssssssssssssssssssss
(11/08/2011 21:09:35, room alphaville) Silva888: (to Marian) Good bye, Marian
(11/08/2011 21:09:37, room alphaville) Marian: Wiedersehn
(11/08/2011 21:09:37, room alphaville) ironjohn: Bye!!
(11/08/2011 21:09:40, room alphaville) Marian: Ciao
Last edited by wii; 09 Nov 2011 at 08:35.
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 15:48   #2
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great job!!! thank you Wii
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 16:21   #3
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Would you like a summary of the main points, Willy?

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Old 09 Nov 2011, 17:00   #4
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Oh yes please Kaz
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 17:28   #5
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Main points from last night’s chat with Marian:

• Marian working on a new version of Love Will Find a Way in time for the end of the year. Will be a duet with a female artist from Berlin. Name not revealed yet.

• Alphaville will tour USA next year if financially able to do so.

• Alphavile is currently in talks with a Spanish promoter about a tour of Spain next year

• Alphaville website to be updated and extended – “My Alphaville” due for opening…

• New album will still be with Universal.

• New album will be full of “personal songs”. Rainer Bloss is involved but the main songwriting is being done by Marian and Martin. “Handful of Darkness” will definitely be on the album. Other songs to be on the album not yet known.

• The album will contain between 12 and 15 tracks – more likely 12 as the songs may develop into longer ones.

• No live album is planned in the near future but will happen one day.

• No remix contest is planned for any songs from the next album yet.

• Answer to why Marian doesn’t like the idea of having a Facebook account: “…maybe sooner or later I will have one.” But at the moment, he doesn't "miss Facebook."

• Planned book that Marian is writing is some way off for now

• Alice musical is in its third rewrite. It will be the story from a completely different perspective. Marian plans to play the role of Lewis Carroll as a countertenor "with balls" in drag and make-up. (Kaz: for real?????)

• The Alice musical will be Marian’s only attempt at writing one.

• Marian said it is "about time" for DS13. There is a lot of unused material for this.

• SLAM has a connection to Nice…but probably only for Marian.

• Marian is really looking forward to having the 30th anniversary celebration in Paris, his "dream come true". Will surprise me with the venue (since it was my idea)...

And Marian could be my dad

Before you judge me, make sure you're perfect.
Last edited by Kaz; 10 Nov 2011 at 21:05.
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 18:55   #6
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Originally Posted by Kaz View Post
• SLAM has a connection to Nice…but probably only for Marian.
A reference to the Movie "To Catch A thief" with Grace & Cary. Some scenes were shot at the seaside, some others in the backlands.

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Old 09 Nov 2011, 19:12   #7
fantastic dream
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Thank you wii and Kaz for your effort ! It's nice to reread the chat as it sometimes went quite fast yesterday... [spin]
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 19:16   #8
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Great chat. Perfect celebration for the Dreamroom's birthday. Not sure that an 11 year old should have so much alcohol, but it was fun!

"I've had many sobering thoughts in my life.... was them what drove me to drink!" [drunk]

Grandad, Only Fools and Horses (UK sitcom)
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Old 09 Nov 2011, 19:30   #9
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Only quoting what Marian said, Jetset.

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Old 09 Nov 2011, 20:17   #10
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Damn I forgot the chat again.
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