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Avil 16 Dec 2001 14:20

AP and religion
So, Mr Lloyd thought about this topic, so well, letīs start it.
Does AP really have something to do with religion or is it just a name?

~/~/~Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live today~/~/~

Bernhard Lloyd 16 Dec 2001 23:53

hmm yeah letīs talk about religion....iīm sure you donīt want me to explain anything<img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>

everybody is a pope......

Avil 17 Dec 2001 00:55

In fact, of course we do Bernhard! *lol*
But well, I was quite suprised when I saw what the name of this band was, I mean Atlantic Popes isnīt the first thing I would have though about. I read why you took this name, but it didnīt get much more clear when I got the explanation. Everybody is a pope, what do you mean with that? A pope is someone religious, and thatīs the last thing I am. I donīt believe in any higher force, I just canīt so AP just seems like a big joke for me. Not in a bad way though!
There must be something more behind the name.

And Bernd even has a little pope in his signature, which throws something even more religious over the whole thing!
Iīm just waiting for a church song or something now.

~/~/~Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live today~/~/~

micki 19 Dec 2001 18:47

well, they had "hallelujah" in "To Germany With Love" (here we go again <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>)...
...but, that was AV again...bah <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>...

"the 80's child"

AV_defender 19 Dec 2001 19:48

where is the explanation readable??

anyway..maybe the phrase everybody is a pope means that every one is its own god, religion or leader through their we should just rely on ourselves and therefore we dont need religions because we make them by ourselves..
like Depeche Mode said: personal jesus

/Defender-The Watcher Of The Scene

Alien 19 Dec 2001 19:53

I'm not too much into religion too. But I respect people who believe. Though I don't know what I believe in... For me always religious stories were kinda legends and fairytails and nothing more...
AP should have something to do with religion... I can't imagine word POPE outside religion.
I can see you through...

Bernhard Lloyd 20 Dec 2001 01:31

very very interesting....go on!<img src=icon_smile_8ball.gif border=0 align=middle>

everybody is a pope......

Avil 20 Dec 2001 01:33

HA!!! While we are sweating here, Bernhard just lends back, lights a cigarrets and tells us to go on...*LOL*

~/~/~Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live today~/~/~

Bernhard Lloyd 20 Dec 2001 01:40

yeah...iīd like to know what you all think about relgion and popes and life in general and the connection of all this to AP.
...donīt be angry with me ...just because i light a cigarette <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

everybody is a pope......

Avil 20 Dec 2001 01:44

Not angry Bernhard, just thinking of your health!! Remember, itīs not healthy for small babies, especially Mortens to have smoke around themselves...eeh..or something

Back the the topic.
Iīm wondering if AP doesnīt have less with religion to do than we think today.
Everytime you see the name Atlantic POPES you think, oh the pope, the vatican etc, itīs all religious.
But trent mentioned, and Bernhard confirmed that the real reason for the "popes" part was just to show that everyone was worth just as much as someone else, no matter status, rang or whatever.
That could be the def of AP aswell, that the bandmembers are worth just as much as you and me.

~/~/~Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, live today~/~/~

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