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Alphaville Forum - The Dreamroom Rules

We have a few simple rules we ask our members to comply with. Alphaville Forum - The Dreamroom rules can basically be summed up by the phrase 'Be nice'.

1. Write like a reasonably intelligent person
Your posts are going to be on this forum for the world to see. Don't make people struggle to read them. 'If u write like this u mite find urself in srs trouble'.

2. Try to contribute to topics
Before you reply, ask yourself if what you're posting adds anything to the discussion. Don't just post 'OK', 'I agree', or 'lol'. No single smiley replies. Minimum 10 characters is required for every post.

3. Pictures
Never post a pornographic/offensive picture in the forum.

4. Don't ask for or offer illegal stuff
This includes drugs, cracks, bootlegs, copyrighted mp3s, etc.

5. Be civilized
Don't flame people. If you disagree with something, say so and why.

6. Report to the Dreamkeepers
You have the ability to report posts that break any of these rules. Please do. The Dreamkeepers appreciate being alerted to troublemakers. At the same time, don't abuse the reporting system, or you'll be stopped from reporting the easiest way we know how (by banning you).

These rules aren't all-inclusive. Decisions are made by the Dreamkeepers, and they're always right in the end, so please don't argue.

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